Chris 'Fantastic' Powell


Chris "Fantastic" Powell

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Don't wait for life to excite you; take the initiative and get moving. 

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The power of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm changes everything. Being excited does make the difference. If you're not excited about your life, your dreams and your opportunities, then who will be? The best people to be around are those who bring energy, passion and excitement to what they do. They don't wait for life to excite them. They create their own excitement and that energy it's contagious and excitement to what they do. They don't wait for life to excite them. They create their own excitement and that energy it's contagious.

Speaker 1:

Enthusiasm isn't just about feeling good. It's a tool, a force that pushes you forward when things get tough. It keeps you going. When others give up, it turns obstacles into challenges and challenges into victories. Life will always have struggles, but if you bring enthusiasm to the fight, you'll find a way through. So ask yourself what excites you, what makes you come alive? If you're not excited, then find a reason to be, because enthusiasm isn't just an emotion, it's a choice, and that choice can change everything in your life.

Speaker 1:

Here's a story the Rock that Refused To Stop. High up in the great mountain, a small rock sat still for years. It had been there so long that it started to believe it would never move. One day, a strong wind blew, shaking the ground. The rock trembled, shifting slightly, but then settled again. I almost moved. The rock thought but maybe it's better to stay here where it's safe. Then a tiny raindrop landed on the rock, then another and another. Soon, the ground beneath it became soft and slippery. Maybe this is my chance, the rock whispered to itself. With the slightest push from the wind, the rock finally tipped forward, and that one small movement changed everything. At first the rock rolled slowly, barely moving, but then it picked up speed. The tiny rock movements turned into a steady motion. The steady motion turned into momentum and the momentum turned into an unstoppable force. Soon the rock was racing down the hill, faster, stronger. It crashed through bushes, jumped over small ledges and powered through obstacles. Nothing could stop it. People watching from below looked at the rock go. I never thought it would move, but the rock didn't hear them. It was too busy rolling, too busy winning the lesson Start moving, get excited, like the rock.

Speaker 1:

We all have dreams and goals and plans that we keep waiting to start. We tell ourselves we need the perfect moment. We wait for the right time. We doubt that we have what it takes, but, just like the rock, all it takes is one small push. Once you start, let excitement take over, and once you move, you become unstoppable. Don't wait. Take the first step, because once you do, nothing will stand in your way. Enthusiasm can make the difference, so get excited, make it happen. I'm Chris Fantastic Powell. Thank you for listening. For books, eBooks or audio books, visit chrisfantasticpowellcom or find them on Amazon.