Chris 'Fantastic' Powell
Great leaders in life or business who want to be a success,must think clearly, make smart choices, and stay focused on their goals. Its takes practicle thinking to grow, lead, and succeed by using common sense and taking action.
Chris 'Fantastic' Powell
Every Minute Counts: Unlocking the Power of 1440 Minutes a Day
Imagine realizing you have a mere 1440 minutes each day to chase your dreams—how would you spend them? Unravel the profound impact of time on our lives, emphasizing its fleeting nature and urging us to value every moment.
1440. This is the most precious number in our daily lives 1440. Many hear it, but don't let it sink in enough to understand how precious this number is and is the number most people overlook. It's the total number of the minutes in a single day. You can't add to it, borrow it or purchase it anywhere. Borrow it or purchase it anywhere. When we say 24 hours, this may feel better, like we've got all the time in the world, but break it down into minutes and suddenly it feels different. Let's do the math. If you're lucky, 480 of those 1440 minutes are spent sleeping, which leaves you with about 960 minutes to make something happen. Now subtract that time spent eating, scrolling through social media, watching TV or mindlessly filling the gaps, and those minutes start to vanish quickly.
Speaker 1:You've heard the saying use your time wisely. Well, think about it. Time is the most valuable resource, the most precious commodity you will ever have. It's limited, it's non-refundable, but most of us rather spend time with procrastination, doubt, fear, lazy excuses, frustration and should have. You know these characters that always seem to help you do nothing and guess what? Their job is? To rob you of your precious time.
Speaker 1:You heard this many times before. You don't have forever, but for some reason, many lose perspective of how short time really is and are moving through life as if they have forever to chase their dreams, build the relationships or create the life they want. But here's the truth you don't. Every minute you spend doing nothing or focusing on things that don't align with your goals, your dreams. It's time you'll never get back. It's gone. It's spent forever. There have been many dreams wasted in the many people who didn't take the action to spend their time to accomplishing what it is they forever had trapped within them, thinking they had plenty of time, but they didn't. If there's something you want, whether it's building a business, nurturing a relationship, growing in a career or experiencing life to the fullest, then the time to act is now, not later, but now.
Speaker 1:Life doesn't promise us more minutes and there's no safety zone where time stands still. The only thing we're guaranteed is this moment Heading in the wrong direction. Stop now and start heading the right direction of your dream. No one is guaranteed a long, prosperous life. We all have custom timetables of when our time runs out. So how are you spending your 1440 minutes today? Are you investing in yourself, your future, your dreams, or are you throwing away the most valuable currency you will ever have. The gift of time is precious. Where you spend it is entirely up to you, but make no mistake, how you use it determines everything. Stop wasting time. Start chasing what matters. The clock is ticking and your life is waiting. Make it happen. I'm Chris Fantastic Powell. Thank you for listening. For books, e-books or audio books, visit chrisfantasticpowellcom or find them on Amazon.